Regatas Lima Champion in the National Volleyball League
The team from Chorrillos beat Latino Amisa 3-0 and won the National Volleyball League - Liga Nacional Superior de Voleibol Femenino (LNSVF)
Sunday, August 23rd
Lucy Liu: It's been a wonderful experience to be in Peru
"I want to take a moment to tell you that it was a great pleasure for me to visit Peru and spend time with his people and travel to different areas" said the celebrated actress.
Thursday, August 27th
Plastic artist Ciro Gutiérrez in Cultural Center Ricardo Palma
Ciro Gutierrez, peruvian artist from Arequipa is in Lima to present his latest work "Proyecto 20 - TRABAJANDO". Art exhibition in Miraflores.
Saturday, August 22nd
CompuPalace Technology Center and Mall in Miraflores
CompuPalace, located between the avenues Arequipa 5356 and Petit Thouars 5095 in Miraflores district, has 323 stores (all sold) and three levels.
Kaypi Handicrafts in Miraflores
CompuPalace, located between the avenues Arequipa 5356 and Petit Thouars 5095 in Miraflores district, has 323 stores (all sold) and three levels.
Kaypi Artesanías en Miraflores
Este centro comercial de venta de artesanías se encuentra en la esquina de la avenida Ricardo Palma y Petit Thouars.
La Quinta - Larco Avenue, Miraflores
Filtros de Agua Rena Ware
Cocinas de Inducción Rena Ware